Featured Image – Thank you to everyone who contributed to Gladmann’s Christmas Hamper! He is, as always, extremely grateful! #CrossFitAlgoa #CrossFitAlgoaKids #makingpeoplebetter #luke1v37 #CrossFit #CrossFitGames #fitnessnetwork #forceUSA #FreeForm #reeboksa #nutritechfit #markandersonphysiotherapy #UrbanEspressCoffeeCo #Sweet&StrongCFACoffeeBlend #bronscor #luke1v37 #AlwaysFitLeague #EastCapeChamps #fitness #CrossFitSA #CrossFitCulture #WOD #trainhard #athlete #healthyliving #fitfam #sharethebay #portelizabeth #southafrica
If you would like more information on our CrossFit Algoa Kids or Adult programs, please contact us on info@algoacrossfit.com / 0845086893 (Kids) / 0784517637 (adults).
REMINDER – there is only one class today due to the Public Holiday!
Class is from 9:00 -10:20 with Open Box from 10:20 – 12:00.
You can find our full HOLIDAY SKELETON SCHEDULE AT: https://crossfitalgoa.com/schedule/
Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
1) FILTHY FIFTY – 181214 / 170115 / 120111 Demo
For time:
50 box jumps
50 jumping pull-ups
50 kettlebell swings
50 walking-lunge steps
50 knees-to-elbows
50 push presses
50 back extensions
50 wall-ball shots
50 burpees
50 double-unders
Men: 24-inch (61cm) box, 16-kg KB, 45-lb. (20kg) push press, 20-lb. (9.1kg) ball
Women: 20-inch (51cm) box, 12-kg KB, 35-lb. (15kg) push press, 14-lb. (6.3kg) ball
TC = 45 min
Score = Time/TC Plus 1 sec/rep missed
Please chat to the coaches about T1 of our AFL Competitors Programming!
1) FILTHY FIFTY – 181214 / 170115 / 120111 Demo
A classic chipper of 500 reps, this longer workout is characterized by intermediate-level body-weight movements and light loads that allow people
to keep moving with limited rest. Newer athletes should reduce the volume and use movement modifications that ensure large sets and short rest breaks.
Intermediate Option (Int1)
For time:
50 box jumps
50 jumping pull-ups
50 kettlebell swings
50 walking-lunge steps
50 knees-to-elbows
50 push presses
50 back extensions
50 wall-ball shots
50 burpees
50 double-unders
Men: 20-inch (51cm) box, 12-kg KB, 33-lb. (15kg) push press, 14-lb. (6.3kg) ball
Women: 16-inch box, (40.6cm) 8-kg KB, 22-lb. (10kg) push press, 10-lb. (4.5kg) ball
TC = 45 min
Score = Time/TC Plus 1 sec/rep missed
Beginner Option (Beg3)
For time:
30 box jumps
30 jumping pull-ups
30 kettlebell swings
30 walking-lunge steps
30 hanging leg raises
30 push presses
30 back extensions
30 wall-ball shots
30 burpees
30 single-unders
Men: 16-inch box (40.6cm), 8-kg KB, 22-lb. (10kg) push press, 10-lb. (4.5kg) ball
Women: 12-inch box (30.5 cm), 4-kg KB, 11-lb. (5kg) push press, 8-lb. (3.6kg) ball
TC = 30 min
Score = Time/TC Plus 1 sec/rep missed
CrossFit Algoa’s Holiday FILTHY FIFTY
For time:
50 broad jumps (1 m) (Beg1/2/3 – 50 cm Broad jump)
50 jumping towel pull-ups (use a towel over a branch or jungle gym OR do 20 burpees)
50 kettlebell swings (find something to deadlift – moderate loading OR do another 50 broad jumps)
50 walking-lunge steps (Beg1/2/3 – 30 airsquats)
50 sit-ups
50 push-ups (Beg 1/2/3 – kneeling PU)
50 Superman’s
50 Jumping Squats (airsquat with a jump so both feet leaving the floor) (Beg 1/2/3 – 30 airsquats
50 burpees
50 double-unders/single-unders
Beg 2/3 (30 reps on each movement)
TC = 45 min
Score = Time/TC Plus 1 sec/rep missed
Anyone interested in following our AFL Competitors programming who is not a member of CrossFit Algoa can contact Dave on dave@algoacrossfit.com for details & fees.
Dave represented Africa as an Individual at the 2012 & 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games. Dave placed 2nd in the Mens 40-44 yrs at the 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games and has coached a number of athletes to Regionals, including Eva Thornton to the Reebok CrossFit Games (4th place Masters 45-49 yrs 2015 /12th place Masters 45-49 yrs 2017 / 1st Place “Fittest Women on Earth” for 50-54 yrs 2018).
See the following link for our 3 Tiers of Competitors Training – https://crossfitalgoa.com/programs/.
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
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