Featured Image – Michelle taking the Yoke for a ride… the Yoke is approximately 2.5x her Body weight!
#luke1v37 @DVSNgear #DVSNGear #BeyondBasic @Bronscor #Bronscor #CrossFitAlgoa @CrossFitAlgoa #CrossFitAlgoaKids @BradMillar #FutureTech @ItensityOnline #ItensityOnline @kriek_kreates #kriekkreates @nikolaas_du_plooy @cannafricagq @blucore_accountants @Practical_Aquaponics_SA @Pansolutionsportelizabeth @CabalCoffeeRoastery #CabalCoffeeRoastery @ShaunBennProjects #ShaunBennProjects @Mark_Anderson1972 #MarkAndersonPhysiotherapy #SasolDisa #EastCapeHandTool @TheFunctionWarehouse #TheFunctionWarehouse @CandyWrap_ #CarlsonGracieAfrica #EastCapeChamps #AlwaysFitLeague @AlwaysFitLeague #AreYouIn #CrossFitSA #CrossFit #CrossFitCulture #HealthyLiving #ShareTheBay #PortElizabeth #SouthAfrica
If you would like more INFO on MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS & PRICING for CrossFit Algoa, or on Always Fit League (AFL) personal coaching/program CLICK HERE
If you would like more INFO on MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS & PRICING for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Carlson Gracie Africa) or Self-Defence classes for adults and/or kids, please CLICK HERE
Alternatively call us on: 0784517637 (adults & kids)
#luke1v37@DVSNgear #DVSNGear #BeyondBasic @Bronscor #Bronscor #CrossFitAlgoa @CrossFitAlgoa @BradMillar #FutureTech @ItensityOnline #ItensityOnline @nikolaas_du_plooy @CabalCoffeeRoastery #CabalCoffeeRoastery @ShaunBennProjects #ShaunBennProjects @Mark_Anderson1972 #MarkAndersonPhysiotherapy @Practical_Aquaponics_SA #PracticalAquaponicsSA #CannAfricaGQ #SasolDisa #EastCapeHandTool @TheFunctionWarehouse #TheFunctionWarehouse @CandyWrap_ #bronscor @blucore_accountants #blucore @pansolutionsportelizabeth #CarlsonGracieAfrica #EastCapeChamps #AlwaysFitLeague @AlwaysFitLeague #CrossFitSA #CrossFit #CrossFitCulture #HealthyLiving #ShareTheBay #PortElizabeth
Reminder to view the home-based pdf for full mat standards and coaching for those training at home!
Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
1) Turkish Get-ups 2(1e) – E90sOn90s for 8 Rnds (build to Max Day)
Score = Max Load
Keep loading so that great form and position is maintained
2) DVSN ECC Teams 2024 – https://eastcapechamps.co.za/2024-workouts/
TEAM RX: Event 3 – Cabal Coffee’s Wobbly #4
Time to complete 21 Synchro Turkish Get-ups (TGU) – there are 3 intervals of 3 min in which to AMRAP TGU once the buy-in of Strict HSPU/HSPU and Synchro BBF Burpees are completed. Time ends when the TGU are completed or when time cap is hit. Athlete’s work Synchro on the TGU.
M1 & F1 complete 3 x AMRAP’s then M2 & F2 complete 3 x AMRAP’s
M1 & F1 Complete 21 Synchro TGU FT in the following intervals:
AMRAP Min 1-3:
21 Strict HSPU/HSPU – Partner HS Holds
18 Synchro BB Facing Burpees
AMRAP Synchro TGU (24kg/16kg) until 3 min
Rest 1 min (Min 4)
AMRAP Min 5-7:
18 Strict HSPU/HSPU – Partner HS Holds
15 Synchro BB Facing Burpees
AMRAP Synchro TGU (24kg/16kg) until 7 min
Rest 1 min (Min 8)
AMRAP 9-11:
15 Strict HSPU/HSPU – Partner HS Holds
12 Synchro BB Facing Burpees
AMRAP Synchro TGU (24kg/16kg) until 11 min
TC = 11 min
Score = Time 21 S-TGU Completed or TC plus 1 sec/rep missed on the 21 S-TGU
Rest 1 min and M2 & F2 complete the same sequence above
TC = 11 min
Score = Time 21 S-TGU Completed or TC plus 1 sec/rep missed on the 21 S-TGU
Total TC = 23 min
Note Beginners do TGU stand ups only
Synchro is at the floor for the BB Facing Burpees
Synchro is starting and ending together on the floor (supine), and when standing tall with the Kb/DB directly OH
“Call a friend” is in effect only on S-HSPU/HSPU – the non-working pair can be called to help a struggling athlete in either of the workouts. I.e. if F1 cannot complete her HSPU she must complete 4 Burpees and then she can swop out with any other athlete i.e. M2 or F2 to assist … that helping athlete can only help finish that given movement … i.e. F1 comes back in as soon as M2 or F2 has completed the S-HSPU/HSPU for her then F1 must return for the BBF Burpees. These swops can only be done after an attempt by an athlete. The swopping in athlete must do his/her variant I.e. a Male who swops in for a female must still do S-HSPU and cannot do the female variant!
If you did ECC teams repeat this workout today!
Int3 (Ecc Int) – Strict HSPU/HSPU (1/2 abm) – Partner HS Holds; 15-12-9 Synchro BBF Bps; S-TGU (20/12kg)
Beg1 – Piked PU (61/51cm) – Partner Holds a Pike PU Hold (61/51cm); 13-11-9 S-BBF Bps; S-TGU (15/10kg)
Beg2 (Ecc Scaled) – Piked PU (Feet/Knees -2 abmats) – Partner Holds a Pike PU Hold, 12-10-8 S-BBF Bps; only UP S-TGU (10/7kg)
Beg3 – Piked PU (Feet/Knees -2 abmats) – Partner Holds a Piked PU Hold, 10-8-6 S-BBF Bps; only UP S-TGU (7/5kg)
Chat to our coaches about completing extras from Tier 1 of our AFL (Always Fit League) Competitors Program!
Anyone interested in following our AFL Competitors programming who is not a member of CrossFit Algoa can contact Dave on dave@algoacrossfit.com for details & fees.
Dave has qualified 6x for the CrossFit Games and has competed 5 times! He represented Africa as an Individual at the 2012 & 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games. Dave placed 2nd in the Mens 40-44 yrs at the 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games, 5th in 2019 and 6th in 2023 (45-49 yrs). He has coached a number of athletes to Regionals, including Eva Thornton to the Reebok CrossFit Games (4th place Masters 45-49 yrs 2015 /12th place Masters 45-49 yrs 2017 /1st Place “Fittest Women on Earth” for 50-54 yrs 2018).
See the following link for our 3 Tiers of Competitors Training – https://crossfitalgoa.com/afl-competition-training/
Cool-down, Trigger Ball, Foam Roll, Mobilise & Stretch!
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