Featured Image – Congrats to Belinda (background) and Wilma in Team “Vicous and Delicious” who placed 2nd in the Beginner Team Division at the @Endurade @EastCapeChamps
#Endurade #EastCapeChamps #CrossFitAlgoa @CrossFitAlgoa @EnduradeSports #EnduradeSports #Nutritech @NutritechFit @Itensityonline @fitness.network_ @FitnessNetwork #fitnessnetwork #forceUSA #FreeForm #UrbanEspressCoffeeCo @Urban.Espress #dynamic.events @_dynamic.events_ @thetramwaysbuilding @bay_chamber @mark_anderson1972 #markandersonphysiotherapy @bronscor @reebok_sa @bradmillar #futuretech #retreatonmain @roxannestottelaar @superspar_bluewaterbay #superspar_bluewaterbay #actionsportssummerstrand @reebok_sa apparel #despatchsuperspar #kombederfjouself #CrossFitAlgoaKids #makingpeoplebetter #luke1v37 #AlwaysFitLeague #CrossFit #CrossFitSA
If you would like more information on our CrossFit Algoa Kids or Adult programs, please contact us on info@algoacrossfit.com / 0845086893 (Kids) / 0784517637 (adults).
Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
RX – Event 3 “Diane’s cousin”
IF ALONE – complete half the HSPU’s (hold a handstand for as long as it takes you to complete half the HSPU’s each rnd)
I.e. If 11 reps take you 1 min, hold the HS for 1 min (cumulative hold)
Complete all the Power Cleans ; Scores will be comparable to that on the leaderboard for the 1st couplet (Note you did alone)
Order (M1 & F1 then M2 & F2)
M1 & F1 Complete 21-15-9 of the following FT:
HSPU (Men – strict / Women – Kipping) – To work partner must hold a HS (team mates hold)!
Synchro Power Cleans (70kg/45kg)
TC = 7 min
Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
M2 & F2 Complete 21-15-9 of the following FT:
HSPU (Men – strict / Women – Kipping) – To work partner must hold a HS (team mates hold)!
Synchro Power Cleans (70kg/45kg)
TC = 7 min
Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
Total TC = 14 min
Total Score = Sum of Times of both couplets
*If an athlete is unable to complete a movement, you can tag in a friend to complete that rep or that movement. To tag in a friend you must complete 5 burpees after your attempt. You can tag in any team mate and they can complete their genders variation for that mvt.
INTERMEDIATE – Event 3 “Diane’s Cousin”
Order (M1 & F1 then M2 & F2)
M1 & F1 Complete 21-15-9 of the following FT:
HSPU (Men – 1 abmat/ Women – 2 abmats) – To work partner must hold a HS (team mates hold)!
Synchro Power Cleans (60kg/40kg)
TC = 7 min
Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
M2 & F2 Complete 21-15-9 of the following FT:
HSPU (Men – 1 abmat/ Women – 2 abmats) – To work partner must hold a HS (team mates hold)!
Synchro Power Cleans (60kg/40kg)
TC = 7 min
Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
Total TC = 14 min
Total Score = Sum of Times of both couplets
*If an athlete is unable to complete a movement, you can tag in a friend to complete that rep or that movement. To tag in a friend you must complete 3 burpees after your attempt. You can tag in any team mate and they can complete their genders variation for that mvt.
BEGINNER – Event 3 “Diane’s Cousin”
Order (M1 & F1 then M2 & F2)
M1 & F1 Complete 21-15-9 of the following FT:
Synchro Push-ups (Men – feet/ Women – kneeling)
Synchro Power Cleans (50kg/30kg)
TC = 7 min
Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
M2 & F2 Complete 21-15-9 of the following FT:
Synchro Push-ups (Men – feet/ Women – kneeling)
Synchro Power Cleans (50kg/30kg)
TC = 7 min
Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
Total TC = 14 min
Total Score = Sum of Times of both couplets
*If an athlete is unable to complete a movement, you can tag in a friend to complete that rep or that movement. To tag in a friend you must complete 3 burpees after your attempt. You can tag in any team mate and they can complete their genders variation for that mvt.
LITE Options:
Int1 – HSPU (1/2 AbM), 60/40kg
Int2 – HSPU (1/2 AbM), 57/37kg
Int3 – HSPU (2/3 AbM), 53/33kg
Beg1 – PU (ft/knee), Piked Hold, 50/30kg
Beg2 – 40/25kg
Beg3 – 30/15kg
RX – Event 4 (Strong but Fast AKA Fit):
IF ALONE – complete M1 or F1’s couplet below. To compare to the leaderboard, divide their scores by 4 and compare to yours!
Order (F1, F2, M1, M2)
Each Athlete completes the following FT:
54 m Seated Sled Pull (Added Load 60kg/35kg), Sled Push Low bar (Added Load 60kg/35kg) (6 x 9m)
18 m Yoke Walk RX (Yoke plus 80kg – 185kg/Yoke plus 20kg – 125kg) (2 x 9m)
9 m OH Walking Lunge (24kg KB/30kg DB and 16kg KB/20kg DB)
TC = 5 min (F1)
TC = 10 min (F2)
TC = 15 min (M1)
TC = 20 min (M2)
Score = Sum of Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
INTERMEDIATE – Event 4 (Strong but Fast AKA Fit):
Order (F1, F2, M1, M2)
Each Athlete completes the following FT:
54 m Seated Sled Pull (Added Load 50kg/30kg), Sled Push (Added Load 50kg/30kg) (6 x 9m)
18 m Yoke Walk RX (Yoke plus 40kg – 145kg/Yoke Empty – 105kg) (2 x 9m)
9 m OH Walking Lunge (24kg KB/20kg DB and 12kg KB/15kg DB)
TC = 5 min (F1)
TC = 10 min (F2)
TC = 15 min (M1)
TC = 20 min (M2)
Score = Sum of Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
BEGINNER – Event 4 (Strong but Fast AKA Fit):
Order (F1, F2, M1, M2)
Each Athlete completes the following FT:
54 m Seated Sled Pull (Added Load 35kg/20kg), Sled Push (Added Load 35kg/20kg) (6 x 9m)
18 m Yoke Walk RX (Yoke Empty – 105kg/ 125kg but F1 & F2) (2 x 9m)
9 m OH Walking Lunge (16 KB and 10kg DB)
TC = 5 min (F1)
TC = 10 min (F2)
TC = 15 min (M1)
TC = 20 min (M2)
Score = Sum of Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
LITE Options:
Int1 – Sled (Add 50/30kg), Yoke (Add 40kg–145kg/Empty–105kg), OH WL (24kgKB/20kgDB, 12kgKB/15kgDB)
Int2 – Sled (Add 45/27kg), Yoke (Add 35kg–145kg/14m Empty–105kg), OH WL (20kgKB/20kgDB, 12kgKB/10kgDB)
Int3 – Sled (Add 40/24kg), Yoke (Add 30kg–145kg/12m Empty–105kg), OH WL (16kgKB/20kgDB, 8kgKB/10kgDB)
Beg1 – Sled (Add 35/20kg), Yoke (Empty–105kg/125kg but F1,F2), OH WL (16KB, 10kgDB)
Beg2 – Sled (Add 20/10kg), Yoke (Empty–105kg but M1,M2/40kg BB, Banded KB setup), OH WL (12KB, 8kgDB)
None today!
Anyone interested in following our AFL Competitors programming who is not a member of CrossFit Algoa can contact Dave on dave@algoacrossfit.com for details & fees. Dave represented Africa as an Individual at the 2012 & 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games. Dave placed 2nd in the Mens 40-44 yrs at the 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games and has coached a number of athletes to Regionals, including Eva Thornton to the Reebok CrossFit Games (4th place Masters 45-49 yrs 2015 /12th place Masters 45-49 yrs 2017 /
1st Place “Fittest Women on Earth” for 50-54 yrs 2018). Dave has qualified again to take part in the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games in August later this year (Mens 40-44 yrs)!
See the following link for our 3 Tiers of Competitors Training – https://crossfitalgoa.com/afl-competition-training/
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
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