Featured Image – Coach Iain working some overhead virtuosity (doing the common, uncommonly well)!!
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If you would like more information on our CrossFit Algoa Kids or Adult programs, please contact us on info@algoacrossfit.com / 0845086893 (Kids) / 0784517637 (adults).
Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
T/Challenge Members to test on exactly the same loads and particular scaled movements as last time, except for the snatch/clean/5RM deadlift where you will aim to beat your load!
1) #FiCTOQ 3A & 3B (https://www.fittestincapetown.com/qualifiers/fictoq-wod-3/)
FiCTOQ 3A – TWO (2) Rounds For Time:
21 Alternating DB-Snatches (22.5kg/15kg)
150 Double Unders
9 Ring Muscle Ups
CAP = 12 min
Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
Tiebreaker: Time for completion of your LAST set of 150 Double Unders.
FiCTOQ 3B – In the remaining time of a total 14 minutes, Establish:
– 1RM Snatch
Score: Heaviest Weight Lifted in pounds (lbs).
Tiebreaker: There is NO Tiebreaker for this WOD.
NB – If an athlete is unsuccessful in his/her attempts at Muscle Ups, he/she must continue attempts until the Time Cap has run out or the score will be set to zero.
NB – For the Snatch the barbell must remain UNLOADED until the athlete has either finished the 2 Rounds For Time in 3A, OR until the 12:00min time cap has been reached. Athletes can NOT start loading barbell before Time Cap if they have not finished the 2 Rounds.
NB – ONLY the athlete is allowed to load the bar and clips must be on at all times for a lift to count.
Chat to our coaches about completing extras from Tier 1 of our competitors program!
1) CrossFit Algoa LITE VARIANTS on FiCTOQ 3A & 3B (https://www.fittestincapetown.com/qualifiers/fictoq-wod-3/)
Intermediate Option (Int1):
FiCTOQ 3A – TWO (2) Rounds For Time:
21 Alternating DB-Snatches (20kg/15kg)
100 Double Unders
9 Pull-ups (BW/Black)
9 Ring Dips (Black/Purple)
CAP = 12 min
Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
Tiebreaker: Time for completion of your LAST set of 150 Double Unders.
FiCTOQ 3B – In the remaining time of a total 14 minutes, Establish:
– 1RM Snatch
Score: Heaviest Weight Lifted in kg.
NB – If an athlete is unsuccessful in his/her attempts at Muscle Ups/Pull-ups, he/she must continue attempts until the Time Cap has run out or the score will be set to zero.
NB – For the Snatch the barbell must remain UNLOADED until the athlete has either finished the 2 Rounds For Time in 3A, OR until the 12:00min time cap has been reached. Athletes can NOT start loading barbell before Time Cap if they have not finished the 2 Rounds.
NB – ONLY the athlete is allowed to load the bar and clips must be on at all times for a lift to count.
Beginner Option (Beg 1):
FiCTOQ 3A – TWO (2) Rounds For Time:
21 DB Alt. Snatch (10kg/5kg)
100 Single Unders
9 Ring Rows
9 Push ups (floor/kneeling)
CAP = 12 min
Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
Tiebreaker: Time for completion of your LAST set of Single Unders.
FiCTOQ 3B – In the remaining time of a total 14 minutes, Establish:
– 1RM Clean (any)
Score: Heaviest Weight Lifted in kg.
NB – If an athlete is unsuccessful in his/her attempts at Muscle Ups/Ring Rows, he/she must continue attempts until the Time Cap has run out or the score will be set to zero.
NB – For the Snatch (clean) the barbell must remain UNLOADED until the athlete has either finished the 2 Rounds For Time in 3A, OR until the 12:00min time cap has been reached. Athletes can NOT start loading barbell before Time Cap if they have not finished the 2 Rounds.
NB – ONLY the athlete is allowed to load the bar and clips must be on at all times for a lift to count.
TChallenge Option (Beg 3):
FiCTOQ 3A – TWO (2) Rounds For Time:
21 DB Alt. Snatch (10kg/5kg)
60 Single Unders
9 Ring Rows
9 Push ups (kneeling)
CAP = 12 min
Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
Tiebreaker: Time for completion of your LAST set of Single Unders.
FiCTOQ 3B – In the remaining time of a total 14 minutes, Establish:
– 5RM Deadlift
Score: Heaviest Weight Lifted in kg for 5 Reps
NB – If an athlete is unsuccessful in his/her attempts at Muscle Ups, he/she must continue attempts until the Time Cap has run out or the score will be set to zero.
NB – For the Snatch the barbell must remain UNLOADED until the athlete has either finished the 2 Rounds For Time in 3A, OR until the 12:00min time cap has been reached. Athletes can NOT start loading barbell before Time Cap if they have not finished the 2 Rounds.
NB – ONLY the athlete is allowed to load the bar and clips must be on at all times for a lift to count.
Anyone interested in following our AFL Competitors programming who is not a member of CrossFit Algoa can contact Dave on dave@algoacrossfit.com for details & fees. Dave represented Africa as an Individual at the 2012 & 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games. Dave placed 2nd in the Mens 40-44 yrs at the 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games and has
coached a number of athletes to Regionals, including Eva Thornton to the Reebok CrossFit Games (4th place Masters 45-49 yrs 2015 /12th place Masters 45-49 yrs 2017 / 1st Place “Fittest Women on Earth” for 50-54 yrs 2018).
See the following link for our 3 Tiers of Competitors Training – https://crossfitalgoa.com/afl-competition-training/
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
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