CrossFit Algoa (Port Elizabeth) WOD – Tues, 9 October 2018

CrossFit Algoa (Port Elizabeth) WOD – Tues, 9 October 2018

Feature Image – Repost from @crossfit ・・・Via @spankaveli ・・・

#FitnessFriday y’all. Think you can’t? So did that guy on the left. Until he did. One day at a time, y’all. Two steps forward and one step back sometimes, however, just keep going forward. @rpstrength @cfvirtus #CrossFit


If you are interested in CrossFit Algoa, drop us an email on or contact us on 0784517637.

#CrossFitAlgoa #CrossFitAlgoaKids #makingpeoplebetter #CrossFit #CrossFitGames @fitness.network_ @FitnessNetwork #fitnessnetwork #forceUSA #FreeForm #reeboksa #nutritechfit #markandersonphysiotherapy #UrbanEspressCoffeeCo #Sweet&StrongCFACoffeeBlend #bronscor #luke1v37 #AlwaysFitLeague #EastCapeChamps #fitness #CrossFitSA #CrossFitCulture #WOD #trainhard #athlete #healthyliving #fitfam #sharethebay #portelizabeth #southafrica

Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate


1) AMRAP the following for 12 min for Max Reps/Distance (6 Rnds):
Min 1 – HS Walk (m)
Min 2 – Wall Balls (10kg/6.3kg)

Score = Total Reps and Distance


2) Complete 4 Rnds FT of:
15 Muscle-ups
150 Double-unders
NB – Everytime you break/fail a rep/trip up, complete 4 Burpee BJO (61cm/51cm)

TC = 18 min

Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed


Chat to our coaches about completing extras from Tier 1 of our competitors program!


1) Scaling – choose a level of difficulty or load that you can continue moving with only taking 1-2 shorter rest periods (5-8 sec) each min

Intermediate Option
AMRAP the following for 12 min for Max Reps/Distance (6 Rnds):
Min 1 – Wall Walks (1 rep = 3m)
Min 2 – Wall Balls (10kg/6.3kg)

Score = Total Reps and Distance

Beginner Option
AMRAP the following for 12 min for Max Reps/Distance (6 Rnds):
Min 1 – Bear Walks (m)
Min 2 – Wall Balls (6.3kg/4.5kg)

Score = Total Reps and Distance


2) Scaling – choose between Muscle-ups (assisted if need)/Pull-ups and DU’s/SU’s that you can complete in 2-3 sets a round.

Intermediate Option
Complete 4 Rnds FT of:
10 Muscle-ups
120 Double-unders
NB – Everytime you break/fail a rep/trip up, complete 4 Burpee BJO (61cm/51cm)

TC = 18 min

Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed

Beginner Option
Complete 4 Rnds FT of:
10 Assisted Pull-ups
10 Push-ups (toes/kneeling)
100 Single-unders
NB – Everytime you break/fail a rep/trip up, complete 4 BB Facing Burpees

TC = 18 min

Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed


Anyone interested in following our AFL Competitors programming who is not a member of CrossFit Algoa can contact Dave on for details & fees. Dave represented Africa as an Individual at the 2012 & 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games. Dave place 3rd in the Mens 40-44 yrs at this years 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games and has coached a number of athletes to Regionals, including Eva Thornton to the Reebok CrossFit Games (4th place Masters 45-49 yrs 2015 /12th place Masters 45-49 yrs 2017 / 1st Place “Fittest Women on Earth” for 50-54 yrs 2018).

See the following link for our 3 Tiers of Competitors Training –

Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch

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