CrossFit Algoa (Port Elizabeth) WOD – Sat 6 October 2018

CrossFit Algoa (Port Elizabeth) WOD – Sat 6 October 2018

Feature Image – Candice “Abs”, Celeste and Roxy on some bar muscle-ups!! Spot the odd one out!

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Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate


1) CrossFit HQ WOD (180917)

10 rounds for time of:
10 back squats
100-m sprint
Rest 30 seconds.

Men: 135 lb. (61kg)
Women: 95 lb. (43kg)

Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed

Each round of this workout is a sprint. Reduce the load on the squat so you can complete each set unbroken and still run hard.

Intermediate Option
10 rounds for time of:
10 back squats
100-m sprint

Rest 30 seconds.

Men: 115 lb. (52kg)
Women: 75 lb. (34kg)

Beginner Option
7 rounds for time of:
10 back squats
100-m sprint

Rest 30 seconds.

Men: 65 lb. (30kg)
Women: 45 lb. (20kg)


2) Pick anything you missed this week but should have hit (i.e. work on weaknesses after reviewing weeks workouts)
Log score on that day!

Chat to the coaches concerning our AFL Competitors program.


Anyone interested in following our AFL Competitors programming who is not a member of CrossFit Algoa can contact Dave on for details & fees. Dave represented Africa as an Individual at the 2012 & 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games. Dave place 3rd in the Mens 40-44 yrs at this years 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games and has coached a number of athletes to Regionals, including Eva Thornton to the Reebok CrossFit Games (4th place Masters 45-49 yrs 2015 /12th place Masters 45-49 yrs 2017 / 1st Place “Fittest Women on Earth” for 50-54 yrs 2018).

See the following link for our 3 Tiers of Competitors Training –

Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch

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