Featured Image – Neal Maddox and Dave Levey on the “Jump Finish” Event for the 40-44 year Age Group at the 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games! #CrossFitGames #CrossFitAlgoa #CrossFitAlgoaKids #makingpeoplebetter #CrossFit #UrbanEspressCoffeeCo #Sweet&StrongCFACoffeeBlend #fitnessbreakthru #airbike #xebexairbike #rower #xebexrower #reeboksa #nutritechfit #markandersonphysiotherapy #bronscor #luke1v37 #AlwaysFitLeague #EastCapeChamps #fitness #CrossFitSA #CrossFitCulture #WOD #trainhard #athlete #healthyliving #fitfam #sharethebay #portelizabeth #southafrica
Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
1) ROPE AND YOKE – Event 6 AG 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games (https://games.crossfit.com/workouts/games/2018)
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
300-m run
4 rope climbs (6m)
44-ft. (13.41m) yoke carry
300-m run
3 rope climbs (6m)
44-ft. (13.41m) yoke carry
300-m run
2 rope climbs (6m)
44-ft. (13.41m) yoke carry
300-m run
1 rope climb (6m)
44-ft. (13.41m) yoke carry
M 16-17: 480-lb. (217kg) yoke
M 35-49: 480-lb. (217kg) yoke
F 16-17: 380-lb. (172kg) yoke
F 35-49: 380-lb. (172kg) yoke
Time cap: 16 minutes
Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
2) JUMP FINISH – Event 7 AG 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games (https://games.crossfit.com/workouts/games/2018)
16-17 / 35-49 Divisions
5 rounds for time of:
6 muscle-ups
3 back squats
30 box jump-overs
M 16-17: 275-lb. squat, 30-in. box
M 35-39: 275-lb. squat, 30-in. box
M 40-44: 275-lb. squat, 30-in. box
M 45-49: 275-lb. squat, 30-in. box
(124kg and 76cm)
F 16-17: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box
F 35-39: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box
F 40-44: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box
F 45-49: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box
(84kg and 61cm)
14-15 / 50-54 Divisions
5 rounds for time of:
6 muscle-ups
3 back squats
30 box jump-overs
M 14-15: 245-lb. squat, 30-in. box
M 50-54: 245-lb. squat, 30-in. box
(111kg and 76cm)
F 14-15: 165-lb. squat, 24-in. box
F 50-54: 165-lb. squat, 24-in. box
(75kg and 61cm)
55-59 Division
5 rounds for time of:
3 muscle-ups
3 back squats
30 box jump-overs
M 55-59: 205-lb. squat, 24-in. box, step-ups allowed
(93kg and 61cm)
F 55-59: 145-lb. squat, 18-in. box, step-ups allowed
(65kg and 45.7cm)
Time cap: 13 minutes
Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
Chat to our coaches about completing extras from Tier 1 of our competitors program!
1) CrossFit Algoa’s LITE VARIANT of ROPE AND YOKE – Event 6 AG 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games (https://games.crossfit.com/workouts/games/2018)
14-15 & 50+ Divisions
For time:
300-m run
4 rope climbs (6m) (12 Rope Pulls – lying to standing)
44-ft. (13.41m) yoke carry
300-m run
3 rope climbs (6m) (9 Rope Pulls – lying to standing)
44-ft. (13.41m) yoke carry
300-m run
2 rope climbs (6m) (6 Rope Pulls – lying to standing)
44-ft. (13.41m) yoke carry
300-m run
1 rope climb (6m) (3 Rope Pulls – lying to standing)
44-ft. (13.41m) yoke carry
M 14-15: 300-lb. (136kg) yoke
M 50-54: 380-lb. (172kg) yoke
M 55+: 300-lb. (136kg) yoke
F 14-15: 245-lb. (111kg) yoke
F 50-54: 300-lb. (136kg) yoke
F 55+: 245-lb. (111kg) yoke
Time cap: 16 minutes
Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
2) CrossFit Algoa’s LITE VARIANT of JUMP FINISH – Event 7 AG 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games (https://games.crossfit.com/workouts/games/2018)
60+ Men’s Division
5 rounds for time of:
2 muscle-ups (6 Assisted C2B Pull-ups & 6 Bar Dips)
3 back squats
30 box jump-overs
M 60+: 185-lb. squat, 24-in. box, step-ups allowed
(84kg and 61cm)
60+ Women’s Division
5 rounds for time of:
6 ring pull-ups (6 Assisted C2B Pull-ups & 6 Bar Dips)
3 back squats
30 box jump-overs
F 60+: 125-lb. squat, 18-in. box, step-ups allowed
(56kg and 45.7cm)
Time cap: 13 minutes
Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed
Anyone interested in following our AFL Competitors programming who is not a member of CrossFit Algoa can contact Dave on dave@algoacrossfit.com for details & fees. Dave represented Africa as an Individual at the 2012 & 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games. Dave place 3rd in the Mens 40-44 yrs at this years 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games and has coached a number of athletes to Regionals, including Eva Thornton to the Reebok CrossFit Games (4th place Masters 45-49 yrs 2015 /12th place Masters 45-49 yrs 2017 / 1st Place “Fittest Women on Earth” for 50-54 yrs 2018).
See the following link for our 3 Tiers of Competitors Training – https://crossfitalgoa.com/programs/.
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
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