CrossFit Algoa (Port Elizabeth) WOD – Thurs, 9 August 2018

CrossFit Algoa (Port Elizabeth) WOD – Thurs, 9 August 2018

Featured Image – Bethany Shadburne (USA – far left), Kara Saunders (Australia) and Cole Sager on the The Battleground at the 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games! Cole Sager won the men’s division while Laura Horvath (Hungary) won the women’s division of The Battlefield (Image courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.).

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If you would like more information on our CrossFit Algoa Kids or Adult programs, please contact us on / 0845086893 (Kids) / 0784517637 (adults).

Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate


1) CrossFit Algoa’s adapted battleground! The Battleground – Event 5 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games (

For time:
Rescue Randy drag (45.72m – backwards drag – Class use a sandbag and walk backwards with 60kg/40kg)
2 rope climbs (5.5 m)
Run 525m (2:10 run)
Obstacle-course run [5 overs – low/high/low/high/low; 3.5 m wall climb w rope; cargo net crawl under 3 m; cargo net climb over 6m; 9 poles (staggered); rope traverse x6 log to log; log walk (3m), rope swing high to low, log bal bal (3m); monkey bars – 11 bars]
Run 525m (2:10 run)
2 rope climbs (5.5 m)
Rescue Randy drag (45.72m – backwards drag – Class use a sandbag and walk backwards with 60kg/40kg)

Men wear 20-lb. (9.1kg) vest
Women wear 14-lb. (6.3kg) vest

Athletes will start in the North Lot. They will begin by dragging the rescue dummy, Randy, across the stadium and then performing 2 rope climbs, one on the skinny rope and one on the fat rope.
Next, they will run out of the stadium and to a series of 8 obstacles. They then will return to the stadium, perform another 2 rope climbs, and drag Randy back across the stadium floor before crossing the finish line.

Time cap: 11 minutes

Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed


2) Fibonacci – Event 7 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games (

For time:
5-8-13 reps of:
Parallette handstand push-ups
Double kettlebell deadlifts 92kg x 2 (Sub – Heavy DB/KB or BB Deadlift)
Then, lunge 89 ft. (27.13m) with 2 kettlebells overhead (2x24kg KB)

M 14-in. (30.8cm) deficit, 2x 203-lb. (92.1kg) KB for deadlifts, 2x 53-lb. (24kg) KB for lunges
F 8-in. (17.62cm) deficit, 2x 124-lb. (56.26) KB for deadlifts, 2x 35-lb. (16kg) KB for lunges

Time cap: 6 minutes

Athletes will complete 5 handstand push-ups and 5 kettlebell deadlifts, 8 handstand push-ups and 8 kettlebell deadlifts, then 13 handstand push-ups and 13 kettlebell deadlifts. They then will pick up 2 kettlebells and lunge with them overhead to the finish line.

Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed


Chat to our coaches about completing extras from Tier 1 of our competitors program!


1) CrossFit Algoa’s LITE adapted battleground! The Battleground – Event 5 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games (

For time:
Rescue Randy drag (45.72m – backwards drag – Class use a sandbag and walk backwards with 40kg/30kg)
6 Rope Pulls – lying to standing
Run 525m (2:10 run)
Obstacle-course run [5 overs – low/high/low/high/low; 3.5 m wall climb w rope; cargo net crawl under 3 m; cargo net climb over 6m; 9 poles (staggered); rope traverse x6 log to log; log walk (3m), rope swing high to low, log bal bal (3m); monkey bars – 11 bars]
Run 525m (2:10 run)
6 Rope Pulls – lying to standing
Rescue Randy drag (45.72m – backwards drag – Class use a sandbag and walk backwards with 40kg/30kg)

Men wear 20-lb. (9.1kg) vest
Women wear 14-lb. (6.3kg) vest

Athletes will start in the North Lot. They will begin by dragging the rescue dummy, Randy, across the stadium and then performing 2 rope climbs, one on the skinny rope and one on the fat rope.
Next, they will run out of the stadium and to a series of 8 obstacles. They then will return to the stadium, perform another 2 rope climbs, and drag Randy back across the stadium floor before crossing the finish line.

Time cap: 11 minutes

Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed


2) CrossFit Algoa’s LITE Variant of Fibonacci – Event 7 2018 Reebok CrossFit Games (

For time:
5-8-13 reps of:
Piked Push-ups (61cm/floor)
Double kettlebell deadlifts LITE (40kgx2 DB – one head touches ground / 32kg x 2 KB)
Then, lunge 89 ft. (27.13m) with 2 kettlebells overhead (16kgx2 KB/ 5kgx2 DB)

Time cap: 6 minutes

Score = Time/TC plus 1 sec/rep missed


Anyone interested in following our AFL Competitors programming who is not a member of CrossFit Algoa can contact Dave on for details & fees. Dave represented Africa at the 2012 & 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games and has coached a number of athletes to Regionals, including 4th place Masters (45-49 yrs) finisher, Eva Thornton, at the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games. Eva competed in Madisson, Wisconsin in 2017 at the 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games and placed 12th in a highly competitive Masters women’s field.

Dave (Men 40-44yrs) and Eva (women 50-54 yrs) have both again qualified (top 20 in the the world) to participate at the Reebok CrossFit Games in 2018 in Madisson, Wisconsin. See the following link for our 3 Tiers of Competitors Training –

Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch

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