Featured Image – Jimela and Abraham at CrossFit Algoa’s Fundraiser Box Comp “Climb the Mountain”! Jimela won the “Best Dressed South African Theme” at the Competition! Congratulations Jimela!
Reminder that all entries and score submissions for the ONLINE version of Climb the Mountain need to be in by 24:00 tonight! Reminder for potential winners to please upload your video link with your score submission! Thank you to everyone who has supported Dave and Eva and who made this event possible!
#CrossFitGames2018 #CrossFitGames #CrossFitAlgoa #CrossFitalgoaKids #makingpeoplebetter #CrossFit #fitnessbreakthru #airbike #xebexairbike #rower #xebexrower #reeboksa #nutritechfit #UrbanEspressCoffeeCo #markandersonphysiotherapy #bronscor #luke1v37 #eastcapechamps #alwaysfitleague #fitness #CrossFitSA #CrossFitCulture #WOD #trainhard #athlete #healthyliving #fitfam #sharethebay #portelizabeth #southafrica
If you would like more information on our CrossFit Algoa Kids or Adult programs, please contact us on info@algoacrossfit.com / 0845086893 (Kids) / 0784517637 (adults).
Foam Roll/Trigger/Warm-up/Mobilise/Activate
1) Practice Kipping Pull-ups
Score = For Quality
2) Complete the Benchmark Workout “Cindy” – AMRAP 20 of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air-squats
Score = Total Reps
Chat to our coaches about completing extras from Tier 1 of our competitors program!
1) Practice Kipping Pull-ups (assisted)
Score = For Quality
2) Complete the Benchmark Workout “Cindy” – AMRAP 20 of:
5 Pull-ups (assisted)
10 Push-ups (kneeling)
15 Air-squats
Score = Total Reps
Anyone interested in following our AFL Competitors programming who is not a member of CrossFit Algoa can contact Dave on dave@algoacrossfit.com for details & fees. Dave represented Africa at the 2012 & 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games and has coached a number of athletes to Regionals, including 4th place Masters (45-49 yrs) finisher, Eva Thornton, at the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games. Eva competed in Madisson, Wisconsin in 2017 at the 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games and placed 12th in a highly competitive Masters women’s field.
Dave (Men 40-44yrs) and Eva (women 50-54 yrs) have both again qualified (top 20 in the the world) to participate at the Reebok CrossFit Games in 2018 in Madisson, Wisconsin. See the following link for our 3 Tiers of Competitors Training – https://crossfitalgoa.com/programs/.
Cool-down/Trigger Ball/Foam Roll/Stretch
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