We launched our first Transformation Challenge this past November – a 6 week program that would change people’s lives for the better!
The points scoring system was set-up so that appropriate and healthy behaviours were incentivized! Many of the Transformation Challenge Members made some amazing physical changes and improvements. That was great but we believe that our Transformation Challenge was more than that. It was not about weight-loss or even loss of body fat % but rather the sum total of positive and healthy behavior changes that would influence health, fitness and wellness over time. We believe this is the best way to achieve a long term Transformation!
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Transformation Challenge and for those who are staying on at CrossFit Algoa, we welcome you to our family!
Our Top 10 Placings out 52 entrants were:
1st Debbie Grey
2nd Wendy Heasley
3rd Janet Pereira
4th Johan Zietsman
5th Alice Olckers
6th Prabshan Pillay
7th Audrey Flemming
8th Vanessa Stovold
9th Pieter Bekker
10th Estelle Stander
Featured Image – From Left to Right…Head Coach/Founder Dave Levey, Debbie Grey 1st, Wendy Heasley 2nd, Janet Pereira 3rd, Coach Cindy Levey
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